
Julz M. Owner of Belleblossom Breath Training

The woman behind Belleblossom

Hi there, I’m Julz and I train people how to breathe correctly through movement linked with breath.

Postures like yoga asana, focused effort like you're lifting...we're working out our 10-lbs of breathing muscles!

I have suffered from asthma, allergies, and anxiety for most of my life, but never understood why...

I was the kid who:
• Embarrassingly had to stop by the office to take their inhaler after P.E. each day.
• Doctors encouraged not to have animals, (real or stuffed) because of dander and dust.
• Was worried all the time. Who grew up in a safe home with two wonderful parents, but things weren't quite what they seemed.

It was only after I became an adult that I learned my feelings had a name. ANXIETY, a diagnosis! For a moment, things got better.

Then, after more than a decade on anti-anxiety medication (and all the side effects, later) it was clear I needed a long-term solution, to better manage my emotions without medication...

I experienced powerful effects on my mind anytime I did activities that required linking breath with movement. Yoga and Pilates helped me get out of my head and into my body, but I struggled to find the right practitioner to learn from.

I hoped for an accessible, regular practice. One that was not all kirtan and sound baths, and didn’t cost $150 a week.

When I found Dr. Belisa Vranich and her book BREATHE The Simple, Revolutionary, 14-day Program to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health, I knew I had finally found who I had been looking for.

I was intrigued and chose to get certified in the BREATHE™ method.

With Belleblossom Breath Training, I help others shift their breathing paradigm. They lessen their asthma symptoms by strengthening their breathing muscles and reduce their anxiety by shifting their breath back to center using their diaphragm. Allergies improve, as airways become less inflamed. Along the way other conditions like back, neck, and shoulder pain, acid reflux, digestion issues, and poor sleep begin to wane.

If that sounds like something you are in to, I am glad you are here. I look forward to serving you!

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